More than 40 years ago we were the pioneers of microelectronics and industrial image processing. Today we are under the sign of digitization. We develop future-oriented network and communication technologies for your very special requirements in the mobile environment of local and long-distance public transport with a large number of certified products.
As a technology driver, we develop innovative hardware and software designs for the harsh environmental conditions in the rail and automotive sectors. ELTEC has created a standard for reliable and stable communication in combination with the most modern transmission technologies, which enable passengers to have secure access to the Internet as well as high-speed vehicle-to-land connections.
We offer you a portfolio of network solutions that form the most important infrastructure elements for passenger infotainment, predictive maintenance, the transfer of data between the vehicle and the base station and much more. Safety and ease of use are our top priorities.
Thanks to our modular designs, we can react quickly and cost-effectively to requests. This enables our customers to have competitive products with a fast time-to-market and low development costs.
We design and manufacture