October 26, 2015

Fully-baked 100Gb AdvancedTCA specification Expected in Q1 2016

Doug Sandy

Pound cake, I am told, has a very simple recipe: one pound of butter, one pound of flour, one pound of eggs, and one pound of sugar.  If you want to make a pound cake, all you need to do is combine these ingredients, bake at the appropriate temperature, and voila! Pound cake! Part of the beauty of this process (besides the easy to remember recipe) is that the ingredients don’t all need to come from specific sources.

Imagine for a moment if this was not the case.  Suppose butter from one dairy worked, but butter from another dairy did not.  Or even worse, butter form one dairy would only work with sugar and flour from specific suppliers, while butter from another dairy only worked with a completely different set. All of a sudden making pound cake just got a lot more difficult.

In a sense, the PICMG 3.1 (AdvancedTCA) technical subcommittee is trying to make 100Gb Ethernet as simple as creating pound cake. Combining boards from one vendor, switches from another, and backplanes from yet another will always result in a working 100Gb system. Those of you who are familiar with high speed design understand this is not an easy thing to do. With signals in excess of 25GHz, every part of the system must be accounted for and there is little margin for error.

Fortunately, PICMG has some of the best high-speed design experts in the world focused on this problem. The work, which began early this year, is progressing steadily and we are on target to compete the spec in the first quarter of 2016. With full multi-vendor interoperability, backward compatibility and 100Gb operation, the newest generation of AdvancedTCA products will let you have your cake and eat it too.

Doug Sandy | Chief Technology Officer

June 10, 2015

PICMG Adds IPv6 Addressing Protocols to AdvancedTCA Platform

Industry NewsNews

WAKEFIELD, Mass., June, 2015 – PICMG, the leading standards organization for the communications, military and embedded computer industries, announces support for IPv6 protocols for the popular PICMG 3.X AdvancedTCA© (ATCA©) platform, originally introduced in 2003 to serve the Communication Service Provider and telecom industries.

“IPv6 is the newest version of the ubiquitous Internet Protocol (IP) on which much of modern electronic communication is based. IPv6 solves multiple long term problems with the existing IPv4, including the impending exhaustion of IPv4 addresses, which are only 32 bits in size. The burgeoning Internet of Things (IoT) is making it ever more crucial to continue and accelerate the availability of IPv6, which supports 128-bit addresses,” said Mark Overgaard, Founder and CTO of Pigeon Point Systems, who led the work.

“Though many existing AdvancedTCA (ATCA) applications will continue to use IPv4 for a considerable time, it is crucial for ATCA to allow new applications to make use of IPv6 where appropriate. The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI, a foundation for the management layer of ATCA) was augmented with IPv6 support in 2013. These new Engineering Change Notices (ECNs) provide the option for that same support in both PICMG 3.0 (the ATCA Base Specification) and PICMG 3.7 (the ATCA Base Extensions Specification),” added Mark.

This new capability is entirely optional and existing compliant systems using the older IPv4 protocol are still compliant. “PICMG is releasing it as Engineering Change Notices (ECN) to the existing revisions of PICMG 3.0 and PICMG 3.7. An ECN is a common industry practice for upgrading capability quickly without the overhead of a major revision change.” noted PICMG President Joe Pavlat

Click below to download the ECNs.

ECN001 for PICMG 3.0 Revision 3.0

ECN001 for PICMG 3.7 Revision 1.0

June 10, 2015

AdvancedTCA now supports IPv6 Addressing Protocols


PICMG has just released Engineering Change Notices (ECNs) for the PICMG 3.0 AdvancedTCA Base Specification and the PICMG 3.7 AdvancedTCA Base Extensions Specification.

AdvancedTCA was originally specified to use 32 bit IP addresses according to the IPv4 protocol. IPv4 supports 4 billion distinct IP addresses and in the emerging world of Internet of Everything and billions of interconnected devices, this is not enough. IPv6 uses 128 bit addresses, so more than 3.4 times ten-to-the-thirty-eighth power devices can be directly addressed.

Engineering Change Notices are a method PICMG uses to make permanent, binding changes to a specification without releasing a new revision. Once released, they become part of an existing specification. The IPv6 feature is completely optional and does not affect backwards compatibility in any way. All existing compliant ATCA systems will remain so. New systems can choose to implement this feature or not.

ECN001 for PICMG 3.0 Revision 3.0 may be downloaded here.

ECN001 for PICMG 3.7 Revision 1.0 may be downloaded here.